Enhancing Emerging Leader Cross-Functional Collaboration

Emerging Leaders are:

  • Highly driven to make an impact- early and often, 

  • Laser focused on career growth,

  • Committed to innovation and creativity in ways most organizations have yet to recognize or harness, 

  • Powerfully collaborative and agile. 

A well-deployed cohort of Emerging Leaders can have a tremendous impact on organizational results. Still, many Emerging Leaders face challenges in delivering on their expanded areas of influence. 

We often hear Emerging Leaders say, “My team is being asked for one thing from one function and another thing from another function AND we have our own functional priorities.” 

With promotions come new responsibilities and a more direct line of access to different levels and areas of the organization. Emerging Leaders can feel new pulls from a much wider range of stakeholders- who have higher expectations that their needs or their ‘way’ will be priority. The effectiveness of those expanded cross-functional partnerships can catapult the Emerging Leader into the next role- or get in their way.

As you and your organization begin to implement your 2024 goals, this is the moment to check in with your Emerging Leaders about how they are working with their cross-functional partners to deliver on their shared work. 

Here are five questions to clarify with your Emerging Leaders as you coach and support them in developing strong partnerships:   

  1. What is your shared work with your cross-functional partner? What are they accountable for? What are you accountable for? 

  2. Who makes what decisions and when?

  3. What do each of your cross-functional partners value most? How can you recognize/acknowledge that value even when you have to tell them no? 

  4. If you were to receive a dream testimonial from your cross-functional partners, what would they say?

  5. What doors do you need me to open? What obstacles can I clear to support your work cross-functionally? 

Are your Emerging Leaders navigating stakeholder and organizational complexity? Let’s connect about how coaching can benefit you and your organization. Email me at julie@coreyjamison.com.

Julie Bush specializes in working with leaders and teams to develop ways of working that improve team alignment, cohesion and results. She is a sought after coach of leaders across many levels of experience, and over a wide range of industries. Specializing in the opportunities and challenges facing emerging leaders, Julie helps people navigate the world of work, plan a career path, and integrate the aspects of a robust and rewarding personal and work life. Julie has worked with leaders and teams in organizations that range in size from Fortune 100 to start-ups.

Corey Jamison Consulting offers leadership team alignment, custom training and leadership development, and executive coaching.

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