Working Agreements

We know you have important work to do today. And that you are doing it with people who are relying on you to lead them through the complexity of doing hard work. Being the leader people want to follow means setting clear expectations about the purpose of the work and (often more importantly) how it will get done.

What are the spoken and unspoken agreements about how work gets done on the teams you lead? How is that working for you, or not?

Consider these agreements. Are there any that, if adopted, would help you gain momentum on how you get where you’re headed?

  • We ensure all voices are heard and believe every perspective matters.

  • We do what we say we’ll do.

  • We assume positive intent.

  • We use clear and direct communication – no back challenging.

  • Alignment ≠ Agreement. When necessary, we disagree and commit. 

  • We don’t let perfect get in the way of progress.

Let’s connect.

We periodically send emails with insights on leadership, team alignment, organizational transformation and more.